Sunday, February 11, 2007

Its all good

Yesterday was a terrible day. Everything seemed to take a wrong turn (except my driving: I have quite an innate sense of direction). I could go on and on about what went wrong, but to you, the reader, it would be long winded, pessimistic, and mostly boring. So for the sake of analytical thought and a more interesting blog, here are the reasons as to why my day went bad.
I let the bad things get to me. This gave them greater presence in my mind and weighed it down. Yes, bad things did happen, but because I gave into the whole "Im-having-a-bad-day-so-I-should-expect-bad-things-to-happen" state of mind. Imagine my surprise when, (huzzah), bad things kept happening to me.
Secondly, I tried to blame others for my bad day. "Tyler made my day bad. Rory made my day bad. Clint made my day worse. . . " all that did for me was give me a helpless feeling. When people start to blame others, they seem to lose the mentality that they make their own joy. They start to pretend their lives are out of their control, becuase "so-and-so" made my day bad.
Finally, I lost focus. I was at work and put too much hope in going home. This made me perform worse at work and that is when bad things started happening. When anybody loses focus in what they are doing, they tend to do worse, and then feel worse afterword.
Those are the facts. Now, What could I (or people in general) done better?
Obviously, I could''ve done the opposite of what I actually did (the reasons stated above), but that doesn't help after it has all already happened. Here's what I would suggest doing. (and it makes a good quote too)
" When you find yourselves a little gloomy, look around you and fine somebody that is in a worse plight than yourself; go to him and find out what the trouble is, then try to remove it with the wisdom {which you have} and the first thing you know, your gloom is gone, and you feel. . .light" (that actually came from Lorenzo Snow)

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